EquiFlow™ (Concentrated Protein Serum) - The Future Biological Treatment for the Reduction of Equine Upper Airway Inflammation and Mucus

ReCellerate, Inc., is proud to announce the start of a 30-horse study to measure EquiFlow's effectiveness to combat upper airway inflammation and mucus in horses suffering from allergies, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD.

This study is fully funded thanks to the gracious efforts of Beth Liddic Miller of Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania. She is the owner and breeder of performance horses and the owner of National Finals Rodeo barrel horse PC CASH and former owner of TROUBLENVRLOOKSOGOOD.

EquiFlow™ is still investigational but has already been shown to be effective in several proof of concept and field studies reducing the incidence of bleeding from exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage and simultaneously suggesting its possible use as an aid in recovery from lung inflammation in high performance horses such as Thoroughbred racehorses, American Saddlebreds and barrel racing horses. The proposed study, conducted in conjunction with Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, is meant to generate clinical data supporting a potential secondary use for reducing inflammation and mucus that will ultimately make horses healthy and happy again.

EquiFlow™ is a concentrated equine protein serum product that is sourced from the stem cells of donor horses. Like all serum products, EquiFlow™ is a biologic not to be mistaken with a traditional veterinary drug. Therefore, ReCellerate will seek biological licensing from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Licensing will establish the product as an all­ natural safe and effective, non-drug, and no-needle alternative to existing treatments on the market today.

EquiFlow™ is delivered by nebulizer and administered right in the stall by a licensed veterinarian. It is nebulized to ensure that the product reaches the site of injury in the horse's lungs. It works by helping the body restore the damaged tissue and blood vessels in the lungs that cause inflammation. Treating the problem, rather than just reducing the symptoms, leads to consistent outcomes in performance.

If you believe you have a horse with allergies, asthma, COPD or associated symptoms that could benefit by being in this no-cost study, please contact ReCellerate at info@recellerate.com.